EMDR Therapy Basic Training

Welcome to EMDR Therapy Basic Training course. It is a program meticulously designed to prepare professional therapists and counselors for EMDR practice in both local and international settings.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an innovative and effective form of psychotherapy that has been increasingly recognized worldwide. The EMDR Association of Hong Kong offers a comprehensive EMDR training program originally designed by the originator of the EMDR therapy Francine Shapiro (PhD).

It is accredited by EMDR Institute (USA) and by EMDR Asia and complies with the “Approved EMDR Training Curriculum” of EMDR Asia and EMDR International Association.

Training Structure

The course unfolds in three distinct Parts:

Part 1:      Foundations

This part comprises a three-day workshop filled with lectures, video demonstrations, live displays, and supervised practical work. The participants will learn an array of EMDR therapy techniques designed for effective use with various simple cases. For full details, please click HERE.

Part 2:    Advanced Therapy

Post completion of the first part, participants must gather experience in real-world EMDR treatment of simple cases. Having worked with a minimum of 5 clients in the six months leading up to the Part-2, graduates of the Part-1 may proceed to Part-2 that includes:

  • GSCC sessions: Three 2-hour sessions.
  • Workshop: A three-day advanced workshop, again featuring lectures, video demonstrations, live displays, and supervised practical work.

For more details, click HERE.

Consolidation Part

After Part-2, participants must accumulate further experience in EMDR treatment of all cases, both simple and complex. After treating a minimum of 5 clients in the six months prior to the GSCC sessions, participants can move to the final part of the training: Consolidation. This part includes:

  • Advanced GSCC sessions: Three 2-hour sessions.
  • Case Report: Submission of a written report.

For more details, click HERE.

Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the Consolidation phase, participants receive a Certificate of Completion of the EMDR Therapy Basic Training.

Registration as EMDR Therapists

Graduates are added to the official Registry of  The Registered EMDR Therapists of Hong Kong

How to Apply

To apply* to any part of the training, follow the steps below:

  1. For Part-1 – click HERE
  2. For Part-2 – click HERE
  3. For the Consolidation Part – click HERE

*Applications & Admissions procedures may be updated by EMDRHK from time to time.



About Group Sharing & Case Consultation (GSCC)

Our GSCC sessions, conducted by seasoned EMDRHK trainers, promote guided reflection and support. These sessions provide a platform for collaborative reflection on EMDR experiences, promoting both personal and professional growth. Inspired by studies conducted by Professor Atara Sivan, the GSCC sessions encourage sharing personal reports on EMDR cases among group members. These sessions are customized to suit the local cultural context of Hong Kong and its learning patterns.


For further reading and understanding of the effectiveness and benefits of our EMDR training approach, consider the following readings:

  • [1] Sivan, A. (2017, April). Facilitating EMDR therapists’ practice through group sharing and case consultation. Paper presented at the Third EMDR Asia conference, Shanghai, China.
  • [2] Sivan, A. (2020, January). Reflection on Action: Supporting EMDR clinicians in their training and application. Paper presented at the Fourth EMDR Asia, Bangkok, Thailand